The BMW brand is widely renowned for its meticulous attention to detail and precision in the manufacturing of cars. However, when it comes to the Bike segment, many wonder whether the same level of quality is upheld. To settle this curiosity, we decided to take a closer look.
During our week-long test drive of the BMW G310R, we were thoroughly impressed by the overall experience of riding and living with it. We put the bike through its paces during our daily routine and were pleased to find that it seamlessly integrated into our daily chores without any difficulties or discomfort.

Whether we were navigating the busy streets of the city or cruising along the winding countryside roads, the ride quality of the BMW G310R was exceptional and well-suited for any type of road condition. The 313cc liquid-cooled 4-stroke 4-valved DOHC engine, sourced from TVS’s RR310 racing division, was a standout feature. It responded brilliantly to the rider’s inputs, making it an excellent choice for city riding and aggressive throttle use.
Despite its impressive performance, the engine remained refined and smooth, making for a comfortable and enjoyable riding experience. We were particularly impressed by the bike’s fuel efficiency, which consistently delivered between 35-40kmpl even in the busy city environment. With even gentler riding, we estimate that the fuel efficiency could easily reach 40-45kmpl..
When I rode the bike, I noticed that it could cruise smoothly up to 100kmph without any excessive vibrations. I was impressed by the engine’s sound, which was great and very linear in terms of power delivery. However, I did find the 6-speed gearbox a bit clunky. Sometimes, I had to stomp on it to downshift or pull it up harder to upshift. I had to get used to it to do the task smoothly.
I decided to take the bike to some twisties to test its suspension. I was pleased to feel that the suspension instantly felt at home. It was soft enough to handle the potholes and stiff enough to handle the corners. The front suspension was perfectly set up; not too soft, not too hard. It worked very well in our ever-evolving Pune city roads.

The bike is a looker, and the colour scheme on the bike which we got was brilliant. At first, I thought it was a bit flashy but it grew on me. As many told me, this paint scheme was “Captain America” spec. Although the bike looked great and rode great, the LCD was a letdown, it took its own sweet time to turn on and wasn’t very easy to read in broad daylight.

For my height the bike frame was perfect, and I am 5’8 (which is an average Indian’s height). Hugging the tank was super easy and felt perfect for my body while riding. In my opinion, the engine sounds good at the top end, and the chassis is very well balanced, this is the kind of motorcycle that inspires confidence at full chat, overall a great single-garage bike. But at a price of 2.89 lakhs (ex-showroom Pune) is it worth the extra money compared to its Indian counterparts? I’ll let you decide.